
Modular, customized and affordable

Digitized solutions and applications open up a world of possibilities. But how do you start? What are the first steps and the quick wins with a view to more customers or process optimization? Time for BizzPro. We are passionate about applications development - modular, customized and affordable.


Electronic patient file (EPF)

This electronic patient file (EPF) makes the daily management of your medical practice easier with tailor-made modules for your online agenda, billing, planning, etc. It is available via smartphone or tablet.

Plus desktop device
Plus desktop device


A versatile radiology information system (RIS)

Digitize with our versatile radiology information system (RIS), specially developed for radiologists. Securely taking, distributing and sharing medical images online with doctors and colleagues has never been so efficient!


Electronic patient file (EPF) for gynecologists

Looking for an integrated system tailored to gynecologists? Discover our electronic patient record (EPF) for gynecologists. This all-in system provides, for example, management of patient data, fast and convenient recording of appointments, as well as the exchange of ultrasounds and lab results.

Plus desktop device
Plus desktop device


Simplify your administration

Sign documents electronically, digitally and biometrically, including 'live signing'… BizzPro makes it accessible to everyone with Cygnature. Good for simplifying your administration, easy and combined with optimal security.


AutomationWhiz is a bot universe with cognitive capabilities

Your automation enabler for simplified digital transformation, business flexibility, high throughput and higher ROI. AutomationwhiZ has a wide range of bots for several industries and domains and for the automatization of their critical business processes.

Plus desktop device
Plus desktop device


Code Less, Test More

TestingWhiz is a codeless automation testing tool for testing software, web, mobile, database, cloud, web services and API.
It relies on a strong architecture combined with an intuitive Automation Engine and a short learning curve that promises to take your test automation to the next level.

Testo Pro+

The professional's digital toolbox

Testo Pro+ (ProHeat/ProCool) is een mobiele applicatie die het volledige certificeringsproces van verwarmingssystemen en koelinstallaties automatiseert (Wettelijke verplichting in België). Via IoT-communicatie pikt het automatisch de gemeten waarden op van de desbetreffende Testo apparatuur en begeleidt de HVAC technieker door een wizard met alle, door de overheid gedefinieerde vragen, waardoor het officiële pdf-certificaat kan worden geproduceerd. De applicatie communiceert met een cloud-backend-systeem waardoor het HVAC bedrijf alle informatie over klanten en verwarmingssystemen kan beheren.

Plus desktop device
Plus desktop device


The universal lunch-app

The independent, time-saving solution to the everyday problems of ordering, preparing and distributing lunch at school and in the office.

Visual Planning

Een continu overzicht over al je resources

Met Visual Planning verhoog je je teamproductiviteit en structureer je bedrijfsprocessen met real-time inzichten van je bedrijfstakken, projecten en taken in één planningstool.

Plus desktop device