
What our customers say about the step towards digitisation

Digitised solutions and applications open up a world of possibilities. But how do you get started? Discover what our customers have to say about their digital journey.

BizzPro: de ‘Compagnon’ in digitale projecten bij De Meuter

De firma afbraakwerken en grondwerken, De Meuter nv, is één van de grootste spelers in zijn domein in België . Al meer dan 50 jaar zijn ze actief in o.a. sloopwerken, grondwerken, sanering en recyclage. BizzPro is al jaren de vaste IT-partner van De Meuter op gebied van soft- en hardware oplossingen. Zo ook voor het project Compangnon.

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Mobco & BizzPro: Innovate, and keep doing it. That's how we stay on top of things.

We at BizzPro love to see a company that helps other companies innovate. IT company Mobco is one such company. With their offerings of hardware, security and further support, they are the one-stop shop for everything needed to realize the transformation to a modern workplace at their customers. All this at a fixed cost per month, per employee. A kind of lease plan, actually. Mobco has only been in existence for 10 years, and some 25 members of staff provide dozens of medium-sized and large companies and public institutions with services and products every year. They are determined to help customers get the most out of the technological possibilities.

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Testo: Process optimization for an accurate procedure

Testo measures the facts. As market leader with the broadest range within the field, the company offers appropriate measurement solutions for players in the HVAC, Food, Pharma and others various industries. Under the motto 'be sure', the lifelong guarantee of accurate measurement is emphasized.

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IOT mobile app integrated with elevators

Elevator management is a trade in itself. The future is here too: smart digitization. BizzPro helped with the development of this innovative elevator management app, which is connected to the microcontroller board via bluetooth and USB. Talking about convenient automation.

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A handy mobile app to order coffee

A luminous app idea? No problem. If you work with BizzPro, that app will be there quickly, in this case too. This customer's idea: a mobile application that allows coffee lovers to locate the nearest coffee bar, and then order a coffee there. The result was a cross-platform mobile app.

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